
Thursday, November 22, 2012

How To Make My Husband Love Me - Resolve Marriage Conflicts

Relationship Advice - You can save your marriage today, even if you are the only one interested. Imagine looking forward to coming home or looking forward to your spouse coming home – with no concerns about yet another argument.

Imagine an evening spent with your spouse that is warm and cozy, full of connection. Not spent in icy silence or heated rage.

Imagine knowing that you are with your soul mate, and knowing you two were in it for the long-haul, ready to weather any storm in life, and in love. If you aren’t there, you can be! Believe me.
You can save your marriage, and you can do it even if your spouse has given up, left, is angry, had an affair, or claims there is no hope. You can still take action and turn it around. I know because I’ve seen it time and time again.

But, if your spouse has threatened to leave 9and even if they have already left), you need to act. If you find yourself constantly fighting…  or perhaps there’s no fighting… and no exciting communication, no intimacy, no connection, no sex, you need to act. If you wish to fix your marriage crisis, I advice you take Amy Waterman’s (relationship expert) advice ; Amy Waterman offers a book on this link; Save Your Marriage about  Resolving Marriage Conflicts.

A marriage crisis doesn’t simply go away. And if you don’t have the proper information, you can even make it worse. You need the RIGHT information, not outdated ideas or baseless opinions. You need what works. And you need it quick.
Most marriage counseling focuses on communication. Theory is that a couple needs to improve their communication. If they do that, then their marriage will improve. My opinion: I would that’s a WRONG theory. My observation is the vast majority of couples I see can actually communicate just fine. In order words, people understand them, they know how to say what they are thinking, and can get their idea across – except with their spouse.

The problem is with PERCEPTION

If you are trying to fix a marriage crisis you can skip this article and get effective marriage counseling on “how to save your marriage” from a relationship coach (Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.) on this link; Saving Your Marriage Today.

Like I said, the problem is with most marriage conflict is PERCEPTION. Couples misunderstand each other – and they assume their partner is being mean, or is trying to hurt them, or is ignoring their needs.

That is the real problem. Correct that, and the marriage has a chance. First, let me say this very clearly: if your marriage is in trouble, it is not your fault! I say that even if you have been unfaithful or have made many mistakes and I really mean that. It is not your fault!

You got married, but nobody trained you, right? The only training you got was “on-the-job,” while simultaneously doing harm to the same relationship nobody told you how to build! That is set-up, and it isn’t even your fault!

Why do I say this? Because nobody told you the BIGGEST SECRET about marriage. And it is a simple one. But, if you miss this one, you will never have a success marriage. Get it, and your marriage will be magical! The secret? Marriage is about becoming a WE.

We meet someone, fall in love, and decide to marry. But nobody makes it clear that you have to create something new. You have to forge a new understanding  a-one-of-a-kind relationship. In fact, a WE is made up of two ME’s who have decided to be a team, using the strengths of each to make it through life together.