
Thursday, November 22, 2012

How To Restore Romance In A Relationship With My Husband - Answers

It's too hard to save your marriage relationship with Text Messages?

Do you think you “don’t have time for romance?” Relationship expert Michael Fiore thinks you’re wrong… in fact, he says he can show you how to bring all the romance, love and even passion you’re missing back into your relationship, simply by pushing a few buttons on the cell phone you have in your pocket or purse right now.

 “Digital Telepathy”
“Text messages are the closest thing to telepathy we have” says Fiore. “Simply by pushing a few buttons on your cell phone you can create a private little fantasy world between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife … where you can say or do anything without anyone else having a clue.”

He Made Rachael Tingle
Michael Fiore and his “Text The Romance Back” method have been featured on national television and radio including appearing on “The Rachael Ray Show” on Valentine’s Day, where just one of Michael’s “Magic” texts gave Rachael “tingles” and had the whole audience oohing and ahhing.

Go watch this short video to learn how to use tiny little text messages to bring the spark and electricity back into your relationship (even if your man is a “Romantic Numbskull”. It’s worked for thousands of couples around the world, and Michael Fiore guarantees it will work for you.

“Remote Control Romance”

Do you think men are “complicated?”

If you do, you’re not alone. Most women seem to think that men should come with an instruction manual…
Or that getting a man to be “romantic” is as hard as getting lasting peace in the middle east.
But thousands of women are discovering that waking up the “secret romantic” in their men is as easy as hitting a few buttons on their cell phone and sending a few “special” messages that have been proven again and again to work wonders.

Why Men Aren’t Romantic

The fact is, most men secretly crave romance at least as much as you do… but they’re either too distracted, too emotionally closed off, or too shy to tell you how they really feel or to sweep you off your feet.
But simply by using a few text messages sent from your average cell phone you can give him permission to be “unapologetically romantic”… to open up and tell you how he really feels, and to take you back in a “Relationship Time Machine” so you love each other (and lust after each other) like you did when you first met.

Incredible Video

If you want to learn more, go watch this short (but eye-opening) video by relationship expert Michael Fiore. In the video you’ll learn the real reason romance “dies” in most relationships…
The 3 things your man needs from you in order to “open up” to his secret romantic desires…
And how to use tiny little text messages to turn your guy into a bonafide “Prince Charming,” even if he’s a total “Romantic Numbskull” now.
This “Text The Romance Back” method has been featured on The Rachael Ray Show and has helped tens of thousands of women around the world. It sounds shocking, but it really does work.

Beyond Sexting?

If you’ve been watching the news, you’ve probably heard of big sports stars, politicians, and teenagers getting in trouble for “sexting” outside their marriages.
But what you probably didn’t know is that there are tens of thousands of women and men around the world using simple little text messages inside their relationships to create amazing romance, intimacy and passion literally at the push of a button.

Text The Romance Back?

Relationship expert Michael Fiore created a step by step system for using tiny little text messages to create a private “intimate channel” between you and the man or woman in your life… even if you don’t have much time together (due to kids and jobs) or if your lover doesn’t seem very “romantic” now.
“The great thing about texting is that it’s private and you can do it anywhere” says Fiore. “Just by sending a few tiny little text messages you can ‘wake up’ the romantic center of your partner’s mind… give them a private ‘text massage’, tell them how you really feel, and really create an amazing level of heat… just by pushing a few buttons on your phone.”

Proven To Work On National TV

Fiore was forced to put his money where his mouth is when he was featured on the Valentine’s Day edition of The Rachael Ray Show. Live, in front of millions of viewers, Fiore showed a couple how to use his “romantic texting” techniques to amazing affect. Every woman in the audience sighed and Rachael herself said that Michael gave her “chills.”

Click here to Watch TheVideo Now

To learn how to text the romance back into your relationship

How To Make My Husband Love Me - Resolve Marriage Conflicts

Relationship Advice - You can save your marriage today, even if you are the only one interested. Imagine looking forward to coming home or looking forward to your spouse coming home – with no concerns about yet another argument.

Imagine an evening spent with your spouse that is warm and cozy, full of connection. Not spent in icy silence or heated rage.

Imagine knowing that you are with your soul mate, and knowing you two were in it for the long-haul, ready to weather any storm in life, and in love. If you aren’t there, you can be! Believe me.
You can save your marriage, and you can do it even if your spouse has given up, left, is angry, had an affair, or claims there is no hope. You can still take action and turn it around. I know because I’ve seen it time and time again.

But, if your spouse has threatened to leave 9and even if they have already left), you need to act. If you find yourself constantly fighting…  or perhaps there’s no fighting… and no exciting communication, no intimacy, no connection, no sex, you need to act. If you wish to fix your marriage crisis, I advice you take Amy Waterman’s (relationship expert) advice ; Amy Waterman offers a book on this link; Save Your Marriage about  Resolving Marriage Conflicts.

A marriage crisis doesn’t simply go away. And if you don’t have the proper information, you can even make it worse. You need the RIGHT information, not outdated ideas or baseless opinions. You need what works. And you need it quick.
Most marriage counseling focuses on communication. Theory is that a couple needs to improve their communication. If they do that, then their marriage will improve. My opinion: I would that’s a WRONG theory. My observation is the vast majority of couples I see can actually communicate just fine. In order words, people understand them, they know how to say what they are thinking, and can get their idea across – except with their spouse.

The problem is with PERCEPTION

If you are trying to fix a marriage crisis you can skip this article and get effective marriage counseling on “how to save your marriage” from a relationship coach (Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.) on this link; Saving Your Marriage Today.

Like I said, the problem is with most marriage conflict is PERCEPTION. Couples misunderstand each other – and they assume their partner is being mean, or is trying to hurt them, or is ignoring their needs.

That is the real problem. Correct that, and the marriage has a chance. First, let me say this very clearly: if your marriage is in trouble, it is not your fault! I say that even if you have been unfaithful or have made many mistakes and I really mean that. It is not your fault!

You got married, but nobody trained you, right? The only training you got was “on-the-job,” while simultaneously doing harm to the same relationship nobody told you how to build! That is set-up, and it isn’t even your fault!

Why do I say this? Because nobody told you the BIGGEST SECRET about marriage. And it is a simple one. But, if you miss this one, you will never have a success marriage. Get it, and your marriage will be magical! The secret? Marriage is about becoming a WE.

We meet someone, fall in love, and decide to marry. But nobody makes it clear that you have to create something new. You have to forge a new understanding  a-one-of-a-kind relationship. In fact, a WE is made up of two ME’s who have decided to be a team, using the strengths of each to make it through life together.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Where And How To Find A Man For Date - Meet The Right Guy To Marry Me

Relationship Advice - How To Make A Man Fall In Love; If you've ever wondered why some women find true love so easily – while others struggle for years, or even decades… Then you should know the answer could be contained within a weird "little black box" you see in this video you are about to watch. Already, women are raving about the life-changing secrets they've discovered while watching it – and the difference it's made in their ability to attract the right man. If you're ready to finally be with the man of your dreams and live happily ever after…

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If you want to have men (or even just one man) craving you, fantasizing about you, bragging about you and never even THINKING about picking a dumb move...

You need to go watch this cool, complete and full article right now on: 
How To Make A Man Fall In Love With You


Most of what you've read in the tabloids and media about how to win a man's heart is flat out wrong. Watch this Free video lesson on the 4 reasons why MEN pull away

Let me get right to the point:

If you ever experienced a time when you felt like your guy was
“pulling a-w-a-y” from you... right when you thought things were GREAT... and this left you totally freaked out because you didn’t have a clue what was going on...

Then this will be one of the most important emails you ever read...

A colleague of mine... a guy who goes by the name T Dub, has helped save thousands of relationships in over 67 countries around the world...

He has a unique talent for helping women understand and read men...

He explains this in a simple-to-understand lesson that he calls the “Magic Traffic Signal” in a new online presentation...

Watch His Free Video Lesson Here

Make A Man Fall In Love With You

Most of The Relationship Advice
You’ve Received Is Flat Out Wrong

You see, it really isn’t your fault... most of what you have read in the tabloids and media about how to win a man’s heart is flat out wrong!

These “experts” depend on your confusion & play on your insecurities just to make a quick buck.

The underlying message you will get from the media is: if you are just HOT ENOUGH, good enough in bed, and able to out-game (Manipulate) him, he won’t ever think of leaving.

Well if that was true, wouldn’t a “call-girl” meet all his needs?

Now, all kidding aside, here’s the truth:
A man can be DEEPLY in love with you and still pull away or worse... end the relationship!

T-Dub has been obsessed... and he's spent years figuring out the reason why this happens.

He has found there are four very distinct reasons... he calls these the
“4 Masculine Hero Avatar Principles”

Learn WHY MEN PULL AWAY and the 4 M.H.A.P.

How To Win The Heart Of A Man And Make Him Fall In Love

Once you understand this, you'll know exactly why he is pulling away...

And you’ll also avoid overcompensating, which only causes him to pull away further.

Knowing these 4 reasons can save you a lifetime of frustration and heartache.

Free video lesson on the 4 reasons why MEN pull away

Why Men Pull Away

This isn't advice on how to manipulate... it actually shows you how to communicate better. I suggest grabbing a piece of paper and taking notes...

How You Can Make A Man Want To Marry You - Get My Boyfriend To Propose To Me

Discover the Ultra rare secrets to captivate the heart of any man or boyfriend, Make him like you,fall in love and Convince him to propose to marry you. Learn what to say and do with men that will make them attracted to you and Fall in love with you. How to get a man to be serious, commit to you totally interested in a relationship with you. Keep him around as long as you want him.
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Romantic Hint Newsletter
Ladies only: Do you want to have the ability to set a clear direction of who the RIGHT man is for you and what to do when you meet him? Do you see people more successful than you in love relationships and wonder what their secret is? Then Subscribe below and download Guide.

Full and complete resource to make any man Commit into marriage: How To Make Him Fall In Love Forever

AT LAST: 59.9 Million American Women With Ticking Time Clocks Are Praying For a Solution To THIS Problem…Now, YOU Can Have It Now…
According to Sam Roberts of the New York Times for the first time in history there are more women in the US living without a husband than with one. They tally the number of single women to be 59.9 million in the United States alone. Further evidence suggests this is occurring WORLDWIDE.

Either way…the relationship severs abruptly when a man FEELS like he’s being pressured into moving farther and faster than he’s comfortable with.
What I realized was that because men CAN’T explain what’s going on inside of them very well…and most women don’t understand what to do with a man who won’t open up. I could step in and provide not only the insight women are desperately trying to understand, but teach them a non-pushy, non-manipulative way to inspire men in their lives to WANT to move the relationship forward all on their own.

Anyway, one important thing:
If you want to have men desire to propose and ready to marry you, craving you, fantasizing about you, bragging about you and never even THINKING about picking a dumb fight...

You need to go watch this cool video right now... Make Him Fall In Love
Starting from the very first “hello” and showing her how to attract and inspire him in ways that pierce his “Masculine Avatar” and touch him deeply into the core of what makes him a man opay pos.
When that happens…a man “takes over” the forward movement of the relationship all on his own.
 I use the metaphor of a traffic light by saying this is when a man “goes green”.
Any man who is NOT moving the relationship forward on his own is “yellow” or “red”. Millions of women are in relationships which she feels is standing still. Stalled out if you will? Millions more can’t seem to get a relationship off the launch pad. When you watch the Video Sales Letter you’ll fully understand. Here’s the site again: Girl Gets Ring Video

Discover the Ultra rare secrets to captivate the heart of any man or boyfriend, Make him like you,fall in love and Convince him to propose to marry you. Learn what to say and do with men that will make them attracted to you and Fall in love with you. How to get a man to be serious, commit to you totally interested in a relationship with you. Keep him around as long as you want him.